Saturday, March 15, 2008

Well, Dammit!

It would seem that I have missed the boat on a set of what looked like really great, customizable scrapbook-style BOS pages. They were offered all over ebay and I meant to pick up the set (they are digital templates that she emails to you), and now the woman who made them appears to have completely vanished off the face of the earth. Even her website is gone.

This sucks. I am gonna have to find something else now Sad 5 Or, I suppose I could get my ass in gear and create my own templates.

What I really want is a few art pages (as dividers) that look a bit like the ones from the Practical Magic Book of Shadows. I love the parchment, ink art, dried bits of stuff look. And after I get going on my courses, I am going to start saving for my BoS of much beauty and many hundreds of dollars.

Would any of you wonderful friend types have any leads on cool BoS art pages? I would love you much for ever and ever and EVAR!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here is a link which you might find helpful in your quest:

This particular artist does amazing art for BOS pages.