Friday, March 21, 2008

BFP: Craptacular

July 29th, 2004

Well, here I was all excited about going to the Faeryworld Festival in Oregon this weekend ... now, it looks like we are not going to be going down there after all. WintersDark (my fiancé) got his weekend cut short, and we will just not have enough time. Plus there is apparently something wrong with the car (it has a tendency to overheat) and WD doesn't think that it will make it through the border crossing.

Now I find myself in a scramble trying to figure out what to do for Lammas. I don't want to let the holiday pass without some sort of observance. Perhaps the corn muffins and beer (that I was planning to have with the group of us making the trip) could be taken to the beach or something like that ... maybe a Lammas picnic. Might also look up some info on how to make a corn dolly ... that could be fun.

There are some good points to not going (I will finally be able to have a full weekend with WintersDark ... something we haven't had in a VERY long time), but I was definitely looking forward to spending some time with my only friend who actually lives over here (most of my other friends live on the island still). And I still kind of feel like I am letting a whole bunch of people down by having to back out at the last minute. Not too much to be done about it though.

I might also use this weekend to seek out one of the local Pagan stores in Vancouver ... maybe take in the Symphony of Fire (fireworks show) on Saturday too. On the bright side, there is still plenty of cool stuff to do in Vancouver.


----I honestly don't remember this. Or who I was going with. I could guess, but I only vaguely remember planning to go to the festival at all. What I do remember though, is that this situation (planning something and then having those plans fall through) has become somewhat constant in my life over the last while. I am hoping that things will change once WD finally gets a different job.----

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